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000354_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Thu Jul 20 09:17:19 1995.msg
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Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 12:19:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Scott Burton <aj754@freenet.toronto.on.ca>
Subject: Re: Voyager effects
To: Adrian Onsen <aonsen@sentex.net>
Cc: lightwave@webcom.com
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On Tue, 18 Jul 1995, Adrian Onsen wrote:
> I have a few questions on how a few effects were done...
> In the intro to Voyager, the ship passes through a cloud of some sort of
> blue space dust. The dust is scattered aside by the ship moving throught
> it... How can that effect be created in Lightwave?!? Or can it ?
I believe John Gross addressed this a few months ago when the series
originally aired. I believe what he said was that the Voyager was
Lightwave but the gasseous space effects were done externally by someone
else (not using Lightwave, was it Wavefront? I can't remember...)
Anyway, I belive that John stated that most of the shots were combinatons
of different software and computer platforms (ie: the backgrounds being
done on Macs etc.)
> And the other one, is near the end of the intro to Voyager, juct
> before it warps into that nebula. The ship is coming towards you, and in
> behind it, there is a sun emerging from befind a planet, and the screen
> gets really bright as the sun comes out. There is a "shadow" area created
> by the ship itself.... How was that done? And how can I create such an
> effect...
Sorry cant recal the effect your talking about, have to take a look...
Scott Burton - Lightwave Moderator - Command Line BBS
AJ754@freenet.toronto.on.ca (416) 533-8321
Scott Burton <aj754@freenet.toronto.on.ca> sent this message.
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